GFA Federal Credit Union

Auto Loan Rates

Effective Date:


Auto Loan Rates

Auto Loans
Term24 Month
APR* 4.99%
Payments/$1,000 $43.95
Term36 Month
APR* 5.49%
Payments/$1,000 $30.26
Term 48 Month
APR* 5.74%
Payments/$1,000 $23.42
Term 66 Month
APR* 5.99%
Payments/$1,000 $17.87
Term 75 Month
APR* 6.24%
Term 84 Month**
APR* 6.79%
Payments/$1,000 $15.01

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Loan Rates are subject to credit underwriting and approval, actual rates may differ from those advertised. Maximum terms allows determined by amount borrowed and underwriter discretion. Rates are subject to change and may change without notice. Additional rate add ons may apply. Advertised rates for automobiles reflect a .25% discount for automatic payment. Advertised rates require a 730+ FICO score. Amount financed includes a $59.00 application fee and up to $195.00 VSI Insurance. Up to 120% financing available on consumer autos. For rates on automobiles 2016 and older, please call us. GFA membership is required, members must maintain a $10.00 deposit relationship.
**84 month term has a maximum of 100% LTV of MSRP.

Motorcycle Loan Rates

Motorcycle Loans
Term 36 Months
APR* 6.99%
Payments/$1,000 $30.95
Term 60 Months
APR* 7.99%
Payments/$1,000 $20.34
Term 72 Months
APR* 8.49%
Payments/$1,000 $17.83

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Loan Rates are subject to credit underwriting and approval, actual rates may differ from those advertised. Maximum terms allows determined by amount borrowed and underwriter discretion. Rates are subject to change and may change without notice. Additional rate add ons may apply. Advertised rates for motorcycles reflect a .25% discount for automatic payment. Advertised rates require a 730+ FICO score. Amount financed includes a $59.00 application fee and up to $195.00 VSI Insurance. Up to 120% financing available on consumer motorcycles. GFA membership is required, members must maintain a $10.00 deposit relationship.

Recreational Vehicle Loan Rates

Recreational Vehicle Loans
Term 60 Months
APR* 5.99%
Payments/$1,000 $19.39
Term 72 Months
APR* 6.49%
Payments/$1,000 $16.86
Term 84 Months
APR* 6.99%
Payments/$1,000 $15.14
Term 120 Months**
APR* 7.49%
Payments/$1,000 $11.91
Term 180 Months***
APR* 7.99%
Payments/$1,000 $9.59

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Loan Rates are subject to credit underwriting and approval, actual rates may differ from those advertised. Maximum terms allows determined by amount borrowed and underwriter discretion. Rates are subject to change and may change without notice. Additional rate add ons may apply. Advertised rates for recreational vehicles reflect a .25% discount for automatic payment. Advertised rates require a 730+ FICO score. Amount financed includes a $59.00 application fee and up to $195.00 VSI Insurance. Up to 120% financing available on consumer recreational vehicles. For rates on recreational vehicles 2015 and older, please call us. Snowmobiles and ATV’s have a max term of 72 months. GFA membership is required, members must maintain a $10.00 deposit relationship.
**120 month term has $25K minimum.
***180 month term has $50K minimum.
