Life is an unpredictable rollercoaster of events and situations. While it may have its ups, it has its unfavorable downs too. When those issues impact your finances, you’ll feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. Protect yourself and your family in the event of an unexpected circumstance that may hurt your finances. At GFA Credit Union, we provide a Debt Defense Program that can help you protect your loan and your finances in the event of involuntary unemployment, disability, or death. Reach out to us today about our Debt Defense Program and we’ll get you started today.
Involuntary Unemployment
What Happens: |
Protected borrower passes away |
A covered disability occurs due to injury or illness |
A covered job loss occurs |
It Cancels This Up To The Contract Maximums: |
Your payments or loan balances |
Your loan payments |
Your loan payments |
You May Be Eligible If You: |
Have an eligible loan |
Are a permanent employee who is actively working |
Are a permanent employee who is actively working and/or are honorably discharged |