Tech Talk with Jeff - What's Your Score?

Credit. It’s such an important topic for so many reasons, and protecting your credit is critical.
Without a good credit score, obtaining a loan is hard and expensive. Most people ignore their score except when they want to purchase something big, never really giving it much thought otherwise. You know who else finds your credit of interest? Scammers, they want to tap into it and use your hard work for their benefit. It’s your responsibility to protect your credit.
So, what should you be doing to make sure you have the best credit score possible and to make sure your credit is correct? Check it often. You have the right to request a copy of your credit report from the credit companies. The big three credit companies are TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian.
You can request your credit report annually for free. But, in an effort to help people even more during the COVID-19 pandemic, you can request your score weekly through April 2022. When making this request make absolutely sure you are using the correct information. Scammers are always trying to redirect people their way.
The correct methods to request your credit report are by calling 877.322.8228 or online by visiting
When you receive your report, go through it carefully and look for any errors. If you find an error, you have the right to get it corrected. Also be sure to look for any signs of someone else using your credit. If you find this is happening, you’ve had your identity stolen and will need to take steps to stop this activity. Be careful when selecting a company to assist you in credit repair. There are a lot of scams related to helping fix your credit.
Be aware and be safe!